Tuesday, September 14, 2010


My name is Nate.  I have taken a great passion in driving and working on trucks.  I started when i was about 14.  My dad was gone a lot and my ma worked a lot.  We had a 96' dodge diesel and whenever they were gone, i decided to drive around the countryside.  After about 2000 miles of driving and getting stuck various times, and a few close calls of my parents finding out, my rents finally did find out.  I didn't get my license until i was 16 and a half.  That was a drag.  When i got my license i decided to get a truck.  It was a ford diesel.  I have had only diesel truck since.  I have had four trucks and two cars and a van.  Yes a van.  It was cheap and i made some money on it!lol  I now have a 93 ford turbo diesel and its my baby.  I work on it every chance i get, making modifications and making more power. :)
Thats a little about me.


  1. I like big trucks also..but DODGE is definatley the way to go;)

  2. I like that your so passionate about cars and trucks. Keep with it if its something you love keep pursuing it.

  3. Thats the way to go. The passion of what you love to do. And yes more power is always good for a car or truck.

  4. Just an old 1/2 ton, short-bed Ford
    My uncle bought new, in '64
    Daddy got it right
    Cause the engine was smokin'
    Couple of burnt valves and he had it goin'
    He'd let me drive her when we'd haul off a load
    Down a dirt strip, where we'd dump trash
    Off of Thickpin Road

    I would sit on the seat
    And stretch my feet out to the pedals
    Smiling like a hero that just received his medal
    It was just an old hand-me-down ford
    With 3 speed on the column
    And a dent in the door

    A young boy, 2 hands on the wheel
    I can't replace the way it, made me feel
    And I would press that clutch and I'd keep it right
    He'd say a lil' slower son you're doin' just fine
    Just a dirt road with trash on each side
    But I was Mario Andretti
    When daddy let me drive
